Shadow of the Sentinels

Shadow of the Sentinels Trail is an accessible interpretive trail winding through dense forest growth. Huge Douglas fir and cedar trees tower above a forest floor of ferns, moss and berry bushes. Signs along the route explain the dynamics of this 500-year-old forest.

“Upon beginning your hike, you’ll see that a large portion of this trail is a boardwalk to help preserve the ecosystem and to allow for those visiting with strollers or wheelchairs to enjoy the area. And there’s much to enjoy. Gaze in awe up the massive trunks of old-growth Douglas-firs, Western red cedars and others giants along this trail. Some of the trees are estimated to be nearly 700 years old! Read the interpretive signs to get a better sense of the area, and imagine what these trees could tell you if they could talk.” – Washington Trails Association

Snow alert: Even though this trail is at a relatively low elevation (about 1000 feet above sea level), during colder winters, this trail can be covered with snow until early spring, rendering the path inaccessible for some visitors. Please check conditions before traveling.

Directions: Turn north from Highway 20 on to Baker Lake Road. After 15 miles you will see the trailhead and parking area located on the right past the Komo Kulshan Guard Station. Click here for Google Maps link.

Shadow of the Sentinels