“This is a perfect occasion to observe and photograph these majestic birds in their natural surroundings. The sheer power and magnitude of the bald eagles is truly awesome. Join us!!! Our personable guides are very knowledgeable about this area and the river. Many of them have been guiding this trip for 10 years or more and they fully enjoy sharing this wonder with visitors. Very adept at spotting plant and wildlife your guide will relate the rich history and ecology of the Skagit. This 8 mile float covers the area where the most of the Bald Eagles can be viewed, the Wild and Scenic Section of the Skagit River.”
The trip takes about 3 hours and is suitable for all ages as there is no white water. Bring your cameras for the many photo opportunities. The U.S. Forest Service limits commercial rafting hours on the river in order to provide sufficient time for eagles to feed without interference. Prior to embarking on your safe inflatable raft, the guides will brief you with our safety talk about this trip. Shuttle service, life jackets and extra rain ponchos provided as needed.